Thursday, December 23, 2010

I heart Sam's

I remember 7 years ago, strolling the aisles of Sam’s Club with my with Jason and my baby boy, thinking that Sam’s Club is nice, but not worth the money. Formula and Diapers weren’t cheaper even if bought in bulk. What is the point?

I now have three, okay four hungry boys to feed. Oh my, how times have changed.

We all went there tonight and sadly got a little too excited about the trip. Deals, deals, deals!

Being the bargain shopper that I have become, I have a plan. I will jot down prices of things like cereal, snacks, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. and the weights and get down to crunching the numbers, comparing Sam’s bulk prices to “regular” sizes. The deals will graduate to my new “Sam’s List”

What makes it even better is that I managed to get a membership for free. Sweeeet!

Plus who doesn’t love the free samples? My boys sure did. Cheesecake bite? Sure. Granola Bar? Don’t mind if I do.

For fellow Sam’s Club members: What do you buy there? How often do you go? Do you compare prices and know that you are getting a good deal? Some of the stuff didn’t seem like it would be.

Yes, this may seem like a boring, random blog subject to some of you. But exciting for me, and it’s my blog, so there you go.

Monday, December 20, 2010


So I finished my blog post this morning inspired to get some stuff done around here! Shorten that list! That's when I remembered Tyson had a dentist appt this morning. Since Jason was sleeping I needed to take all the boys. This was not a good start to my "productive" day. I got Tyson off to school (he enjoyed that pop tart by the way), came home, fed the other two, made myself halfway presentable, and headed out the door to pick Ty up and get him to the dentist. Rushed him back to school just in time for him to eat lunch, came home and got Dylan and Jack lunch. Visited with the hubby for about a minute, and crashed since I couldn't hardly keep my eyes open. Got up and started making dinner. Jason was playing w/ the older two outside (they built the cutest snowman) and I listened to Jack whine the entire time I tried to cook. Jason and the boys came inside and we decided I should take Jack into urgent care. Our ear thermometer was not registering a fever but he definitely had one and was pretty upset. So Jason finished dinner and off to the doctor we went.

This is where my day goes from "ugh" to "you have got to be kidding me". 

I wasn't thinking and got there at 5:15. They told me U.C. didn't open until six (duh Jenn!) and I wouldn't be able to come back inside until then. So I took Jack back to the van and turned on a DVD for him and waited. The parking lot started to get full and at about 5:45 a man got out of his car and walked right in the door. So then everyone else in the parking lot decided to go in as well and get in line. Jack and I finally get out and I am like sixth in line!!! What? I was there at 5:15. Ugh. It took forever. I was there until 7:00 and Jason was super late to work b/c I still needed to pick up his medicine at Hy-Vee. I should have been home, Iwas there first (picture me stomping my feet and saying "no fair!" b/c that is exactly how I felt)

So yeah, this day did not go as I planned.

BUT, are you ready for the silver lining? :)

I WAS productive. I did accomplish very important things. Tyson needed to have his tooth fixed and I am so grateful that we took Jack in. We found out he had a temp of 101.8, a double ear infection, and strep. I am so grateful for my husband for taking care of the kids while I had to be away, he made dinner and had it all cleaned up. And of course I am thankful for that nap!

My job is to take care of my kids, they are what is important. Not cleaning, baking, and wrapping presents. Thank you Lord for my day. You are so good to me.

For Tina :)

Well readers, I have been absent from not only my blog, but the computer in general these last two weeks. Okay, that is not entirely true. It is so very easy to log on to Facebook for three minutes and check what's going on, but I haven't taken the time to sit down and update my blog. For two reasons really...1) I have been busy Christmas Shopping and 2) I am overanalyzing what to write about. Does anyone else do that? This blogging is all new to me, what do people really want to read about?

So today, I am just writing. Rambling is probably what it will be. 

I had expectations for myself for today, the start of the week: cleaning, baking, and wrapping presents. All to prepare for the holiday this weekend. 

But then Jack decides to wake up at 5am. Yawn. Who wants to tackle the day tired. Coffee doesn't even do it for me anymore, other than keep my eyes open. So we will see what today will bring. I will try to focus my thoughts on something other than how I want to take a nap when Jason wakes up. (and yes stay-at-home-moms, I do know how nice it is that my husband is home during the day)

Maybe writing this post was meant to be. Maybe it will hold me accountable for being productive today even if I am tired. Yes, that is it! I will check in to let all you bloggers know how busy I've been today! 

So someone go take a nap for me today, okay? I am off for a coffee refill and to make a stellar Pop Tart breakfast for Tyson.